
Why Your Business Needs A Manual Bagging Machine

food bag

The amount of behind-the-scenes work that goes on in any business would astound any customer. Even some of the simplest things can take quite a while, especially in large enough doses.

One of the more notable of these is bagging. If your company regularly delivers or distributes products to the general public, then you’ll be pretty familiar with the process. You’d also know how common it is for this to be difficult and to take more time than you’d like.

That’ll primarily be if you or your staff are doing things by hand. There is another option, however; a manual bagging machine. If you’re unfamiliar with the term, then it mightn’t make much sense to it.

It could make a large difference to your company. That’s because it can have multiple benefits for almost any public-facing, product-oriented company. But first, it’s worth looking at what a manual bagging machine is and what it actually does.

What Is A Manual Bagging Machine?

There’s a chance that you could be confused by the term ‘manual bagging machines.’ What exactly is it? These are machines designed specifically to pack bags with specific products. Typically, they’ll be used with any kind of open-mouth bag, although these will usually be of a certain size.

The machine can be added to virtually any conveyor belt system, which means that almost any business with one can install it. Naturally, a manual bagging machine will usually be added near the end of the production line, close to being moved to a delivery truck.

But how do you use it? Thankfully, the majority of these types of machines are easy to use. An open-mouth bag will have to be placed over the exit of the machine. This is where your products will come out.

With the press of a button, the products are added, and you can then remove the bag and close it. How you decide to seal the bag is up to you, although there are several options available. Some manual bagging machines will offer a sealing option, but others wouldn’t.


While the features that a manual bagging machine will have can vary somewhat from model to model, there are a few that you can expect. The most notable of these are:

  • Easy to use.
  • Provides cost savings during the bagging process.
  • Requires little maintenance.
  • Reliable to use long term.
  • Relatively inexpensive.

Each of these can be seen as benefits, as they’ll help improve your business in various ways.

Benefits Of A Manual Bagging Machine

Reduces Manpower

As your company grows, so too will the number of products you sell. The two areas are intrinsically linked. That’ll mean that bagging these products will take increasingly more time. That’s time that your employees can better spend elsewhere.

If you don’t have a bagging machine, however, you’ll have no option but to have your employees do it. Getting one will significantly cut down on the amount of time they’ll have to spend on it. It could also lead to fewer employees in general needing to be involved in the process.

While the speed of a manual version can be slower than an automated one, it’s still much faster than doing so by hand. The reduced manpower will also lead to reduced labor costs. Moving employees around will also mean that they can focus on areas that generate money for the company.

As a result, it should be a win-win for everybody involved once you’ve installed it.

Saves Materials & Maintains Quality

If employees are responsible for bagging or packing your goods, then mistakes will be made. While these will hopefully be few and far between, they’re inevitable. They also mean that there’ll be some inconsistencies in quality.

If multiple employees are involved, then it could be even more inconsistent. That shouldn’t happen with a bagging machine, so your products will be packed to a much better standard more regularly. It should also mean that virtually zero mistakes are made.

The mistakes that can often be made also result in materials being wasted. After all, if a bag is ripped, then you won’t be able to use it. That will cost you money to replace. Thankfully, a bagging machine will minimize this, which will result in fewer materials and less money being wasted.

Improves Sustainability

While an improved sustainability may not be a direct result of a manual bagging machine, it is an indirect one. That’s primarily because the bagging process should require less transportation, especially if you have multiple facilities.

As it’ll take up less space, you should reasonably be able to fit more production and packaging in one place. Should that be the case, then your carbon footprint will naturally be reduced.

The bags themselves should also take up less space. That should mean that fewer trucks will be needed to transport your products, which adds to the carbon footprint reduction. You might be able to use this in your marketing efforts, which could lead to increased business.

Wrapping Up

As a business owner, you’ll know exactly where your business can improve and what it could do better. Your employees, however, might be able to add to this and come up with other ideas. One area you could both agree on is bagging.

Doing so by hand can take much more time and effort than it’s worth. That could significantly reduce your return on investment when you factor in how much you’re paying your employees to bag. If you’re solely focused on finances, then that’s enough of a factor to buy a manual bagging machine.

Coupled with this is the time saving, and you can focus on more important areas. Outside of the initial investment, there’s almost no reason not to get one for your business. The only aspect that requires much time is training.

That being said, with how easy to use a manual bagging machine is, this shouldn’t take up much time or effort. Once a few employees have gotten the standard training, you shouldn’t have any problems enjoying the benefits of the machine.

PM Today Contributor
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