
What Makes A Great Marketing Campaign?

marketing decision planning

It doesn’t matter whether you are launching a new business or you are a veteran entrepreneur, there will always come a time when you want to create a new marketing campaign. This could be for a product, a service, or an initiative.

When assessing the impact of a marketing campaign, we would measure and analyze whether it achieved its goal. You might want to increase levels of followers on Instagram or you might want to increase sales by twenty per cent or you might want to see sign ups for a new service. 

A marketing campaign brings together many platforms and strategies to build a promotion to help you achieve your business goal. In the twenty first century, this might be wholly online, especially if you are marketing to millennials who live their entire lives on the Internet. However, the chances are that you will also need to utilize more traditional marketing streams to give your venture the edge over your rivals.

How many times do you switch on commercial radio to find yourself singing along to the local jingle for the regional air conditioning repair company? This is great marketing as the company and the brand stays with you. If you are soon to be working on your marketing campaign, take a look at how to maximize its chances of success.

The Content

The content that you create will be a key facet of your marketing campaign. You could be writing guest posts for a range of peer blogs in an effort to promote a new product, but if the content is boring and unengaging, no one will read it and the marketing campaign will become redundant.

Instead, you need to consider your market and really focus on the niche. Get to know your audience. Is your major demographic a millennial market or yummy mummies, or older gentlemen. This will impact on the tone you use in your writing and the content that you produce. For example, if you produce customized baby formula bottles, you won’t be writing a listicle for a men’s online motoring magazine. You will be sourcing new mom blogs and write in a chatty, supportive tone.

You need to consider the sort of content that you could produce. A blog post campaign may lead to your brand reaching a more global audience. A leaflet drop locally might require some mass flyer printing that will enable you to hit a more regional audience geographically. This is crucial for foodie type businesses and static retailers. Or you might be eager to go old school and place some billboards up in your local vicinity to advertise a discount or limited time offer and to generate a time limited buzz.

The Offer

You need to consider what it is that you want to promote. To launch a service, an e-book, blog post, or case study that is accessible to your audience can be ideal. While not a tangible offering, these formats will allow your managed service to be noticed and acted upon.

A simple money off or discount campaign can rely on more traditional marketing methods. Flyers through the door with coupons to cut out or voucher codes distributed online through an email campaign could be apt. This is less labor intensive and requires less content generation on your part. You might even want to utilize the local media such as newspapers and magazines to place your discount and money off advertising.

You may want to look at what your rivals are also offering in terms of their marketing campaigns. This will help you to offer something more unique that your competitors aren’t offering. You don’t want to copy, but rather set yourself apart from your peers.

You could utilize your marketing campaign to promote an event, a new service, a new product line, a rebranded logo, your business ethos, an upcoming event or volunteering services. Marketing doesn’t always result in direct revenue but can have a positive impact on your startup.

Online Marketing

The dawn of the Internet has made online marketing a vital asset to many millennial businesses. While marketing used to begin and end in the media, on leaflets, and on billboards, you can now use digital marketing to promote your business. Many businesses use an seo company miami, or other areas, to help with their online marketing as these experts can utilize many strategies.

Facebook, Twitter and Instagram are the main social media channels of choice for millennials so it makes sense that you will want to show off your services and wares on these platforms. However, you need to ensure that you market on those platforms that are used by your customers. If your clientele are more Instagram savvy, there’s no point plowing your time and effort into a Twitter campaign. This is why it is so crucial to understand your audience.

Being online also means that you can pay for PPC advertisements, market on highly regarded industry blogs and develop an Adwords campaign. If you are eager to obtain as many hit on your website as possible and you want to achieve a more global reach, you need to ensure that you can beat that elusive Google algorithm. It’s vital that you can leapfrog your rivals and appear higher than them in the Google search results.

Consider the sorts of phrases and works that your customers search. This can be sourced from Google Analytics. This tool will allow you to see where the traffic to your website is coming from,t he location, demographic and length of time they spend on your webpages.

Ensure that you invest on keywording your content to ensure that it utilizes SEO. If you have no idea what search engine optimization is, it might be time to outsource this requirement to a specialist.

Trade Shows

You don’t have to have a one pronged attack when it comes to marketing. A strtagey can involve many different marketing campaigns that, when combined, can create a well honed and visible presence for your business.

Think about venturing to a trade show to maximize your exposure. These attendees may already know your brand and your name from the Internet and social media channels. A trade show could be their first opportunity to see what you have to offer in a tangible setting. Get suited and booted and ensure showing off your services and wares in the real world. Talk to people about your product and encourag them to have a go and see it in action.

Have discounts and offers for on the day sales to encourage that all important revenue coming in. During a pandemic, you need to be as active and adaptable as possible. Marketing yourself and your business across a variety of different media and streams is vital.

Consider giving away some gimmicky freebies to expose your brand even further. Mini erasers with your logo emblazoned on them, branded pens, and candy bars may seem a little over the top but when a customer writes a check with your branded pen, it may remind them to head online and purchase from your site. These little marketing hacks can create more of a buzz and expand your marketing reach.

A marketing campaign needs to be well thought through and planned. In the current economic and political climate, you also need to be flexible and willing to change your ideas quickly to meet demand. If consumers are not as likely to part with their cash you have to promote your business so effectively, that you can change their minds. Follow this simple guide and you can create an awesome marketing campaign to help your business thrive.

PM Today Contributor
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