
What Is Brand Awareness?

TV brainwashing

If you’re in business, you’re already going to know what brand awareness means, but if you’re thinking of starting a business or someone who takes a keen interest, it may not be something that is on your radar.

However, brand awareness has the very key to success of the company and its hands. Brand awareness is a powerful tool, that if used correctly can elevate a company to great success, but it isn’t enough on its own, and how you use the platform it allows can make or break a business.


Brand awareness can be studied as far back as history will allow, if somebody has something to sell, there is a certain amount of brand awareness that people will hear and see, and form opinions on quickly.

If you think about the vast chains and their advertising techniques, you probably won’t be surprised to notice that it isn’t just about giant billboard on TV ads, just seeing a logo in the local community, either via sponsorship of a football team, or in magazines mentioned occasionally, all adds up to the public viewing that brand name, and being aware.

The subtle ways in which brand awareness are portrayed to potential customers and clients, you may not have even noticed, for example, printed carpets with logos from matsdirect, a logo printed on the side of the van, and even a spokesperson from a business speaking up on important issues, that may involve their industries, All of these things will stick in peoples minds, and help over time.

Important points

It’s important to note that sometimes brand awareness can miss the mark slightly. Still, in 2019 it would be wrong to dismiss the Internet, and sites such as YouTube, we are sponsored content, and influences sharing branded products and services, brings a whole new dimension to brand awareness.

There are no strict advertising laws to abide by, but it goes without saying that there are large amounts of people who will buy into a product or service if their favourite YouTuber recommends it. This gives otherwise unlikely entertainers and advantage, and Stepping Stone into success.


The advantages that brand awareness bring to a company, or sometimes fast and end controllable, usually it’s positively, but Gaining the trust of the public, when concentrating on brand awareness, can catapult a business into the success of an industry.

An excellent example of this is the Jeffree Star cosmetics line, the brand awareness of the celebrities cosmetics line has seen him rise to the top of the beauty industry purely through YouTube and the hard work put into gaining the trust of his fan base.

As with anything else business-related, this always takes a lot of hard work and dedication, and if you aren’t careful, brand awareness can backfire. Still, there are many professionals available to help you with this aspect of marketing, and eventually, the hard work pays off, and success follows. So add some research to your marketing plan surrounding brand awareness if you haven’t already.

PM Today Contributor
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