
Things To Do When You Want To Make A Career Change


Have you been thinking that maybe it’s time to change careers? A change of career may be just what you need to make yourself feel alive again when you have a roll-out of your bed in the morning and head off to work. 

However, it’s a big decision as your livelihood is at stake. It’s only natural that you should feel apprehensive about it. If this is the case you probably want some guidance on how you can make the change successfully without compromising your income and career. Here are some things you can do to make the transition a bit easier.

Assess Yourself

It’s a great idea for you to look at your skills, values, and passions in order to find out what your next move should be for your career. Grab a piece of paper and a pen and write down everything that interests you. 

When you zone in on these things you will be better able to have a clear vision of exactly where you want to go. That doesn’t mean that the path won’t be rocky and you won’t stub your toe along the way, but at least you will have a firm foundation set in place.

Explore Your Avenues

One of the things you must do when you are contemplating your career change is to let yourself explore. Put on your trusty backpack and your hiking boots. 

It’s time for you to go trekking and look at all the different career options that are out there and targeted toward your interests.

When looking at new career paths do all the research you possibly can on them. Consume YouTube videos read books and grab all the knowledge that you can. Your hunger for knowledge should be at its peak and you will be satisfied when you pick the right career.

Take A Course

The qualifications that you currently have may not be enough to pull you through in the new career that you want. However, occasionally, you may need to take some extra education onto your plate. 

If this is the case, you should jump in and not be afraid to take on the challenge. At the end of the day, you will only improve yourself. This will allow you to be ready to go very far in your career. Climbing the ladder of success does not have to be difficult.

Start Networking

One of the easiest ways to understand what is happening in an industry is to get connected. You can start out by following people on Instagram who are in the career field that you wish to enter into. 

There’s also LinkedIn. You want to make sure that you are doing all that you can on this network. In fact, this should be one of the easiest places where you can find like-minded individuals to bounce ideas off of about how to get your feet wet in the new career that you want.

Get Your Resume Checked

If you haven’t looked for a job in your in a while then there are certain things that you definitely need to leave off of your resume these days. You have to do your research or get a professional at to ramp up your CV for you. 

The more you take the time to do this and to make your resume sparkle and come to life, the better off it will be for you when you come to search for a job. Rack up some experiences in the field if you can even if you have to take less pay or no pay at all. 

It will look good on your CV and make a career transition a lot easier because you will be more employable.

Create a Personalized Transition Plan

If you want to know in detail, everything in

that you will need to move into your new career, it’s time to create a personalized transition plan for yourself. Once again you’re going to get out a notebook, a piece of paper, and even some pictures that you may have cut out from a magazine or printed online. 

Write out each stage of your transition and even add pictures to it if you want to. You don’t want to go diving into a new career and find that you’re swimming with the sharks. The best way to avoid this is to make sure you know every step that you’re going to take in detail before you put one foot on the path ahead.

PM Today Contributor
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