
The Easiest Way To Keep Your Employees Safe

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As an employer, whether one person works for you, or hundreds, you have a responsibility to keep them safe and out of harm’s way.

Not only does this protect them, but it also helps you to decrease staff turnover, improve relationships and trust, boost customer service, and protect your business from legal trouble.

It also gives your team a chance to do their jobs well, without worrying about their safety, or being held back by incorrect safety restrictions and guidelines. 

Unfortunately, keeping your staff safe can sometimes seem complicated, especially as the world of health and safety becomes more specific and convoluted. But it doesn’t have to be. There are plenty of relatively simple things that you can do and measures that you can put in place to keep your employees safe and happy. 

Effective and Continuing Training

Effective training is one of the best ways to keep your staff safe. Teach them how to use any equipment and machinery, as well as materials and chemicals.

Train them on how to use safety equipment and how to keep themselves safe. But, don’t just do this when you first employ someone. Offer regular refresher training, and sessions whenever any of your processes change. 

Take Care of Equipment

Old, unclean, or faulty equipment is more likely to injure or hurt someone than new, well-maintained equipment. So, take care of everything that you use and get repairs if they are needed. 

Provide Adequate Safety Supplies

Several different types of fire extinguisher should be installed and cleared labelled, whatever your business does. You should also appropriate cleaning materials and cleaning supplies. Aside from that, it depends on the specific needs of your business. Think about any safety equipment and uniforms that your staff need to do their jobs and make sure that you’ve got a good supply at all times. 

Clear Signage

There should be clear signage in place, to help warn people of dangers, giving them the best chance to protect themselves. Stock up on wet floor signs, and other cleaning signage, as well as signs for cupboards which may contain chemicals or electrical goods and wires. If you work with the public, staff only signs can also be useful. 

Avoid Shortcuts

As we settle into a job, we get into bad habits. We cut corners and find shortcuts. These can help you to get your tasks completed faster, but do they keep you and your staff safe? Avoid shortcuts and teach your team to do it the right way. 

Reduce Workplace Stress

Stress in the workplace can lead to mistakes. Try your best to reduce stress by giving people plenty of time off, encouraging them to stay home if they are sick, offering flexible working hours, letting them work from home if possible, and sticking to shorter shifts, or extra days off. A friendly workplace, where everyone is free to ask questions or offer opinions, can also reduce the risk of workplace stress. 

Insist of Regular Breaks

Tiredness is another common cause of mistakes. Insist on not just a lunch break, but other short breaks throughout the day to keep everyone focused and alert. 

PM Today Contributor
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