
The Best Work From Home Careers In The Pandemic And Beyond

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The world has been turned upside down by the pandemic in the last year and one of the biggest changes has been to the way that people work.

So many people were forced to work from home for the first time and it’s likely that things will continue that way for a  while at least. 

This shift has been difficult for some people and they can’t wait to get back into the office, but for others, it was a blessing in some ways. Many people are rethinking their career during lockdown and changing their priorities.

Working from home and setting your own schedule gives you more flexibility and a lot of people want to retain that freedom in the future.

Even though many jobs will go back to normal, there are still plenty of careers that allow you to work from home. If being able to work from home is a priority for you after the pandemic, these are some of the best careers to consider. 

The IT Industry 

It’s no surprise that the IT industry has adopted remote working in a big way because everybody that works in the industry has a good grasp of the technology that facilitates working from home.

Even after the pandemic is over, there are still going to be plenty of jobs in this industry that allow you to work from home and earn a good living. Check out this tech salary guide to get an idea of how the industry is performing and what kind of paycheck you are likely to earn.

There is a range of jobs you could look into including technical support, web development and software development.

If you don’t have any experience in the area so far, you may decide to go back into education but there are also online courses that will teach you the basics. Many people in the industry are self taught because there are some amazing resources out there. 

Graphic Design

Graphic design is another career that is perfectly suited to working from home. Whether you work for a company or as a freelancer, you can easily work from home on your own time.

It’s a very flexible job because it’s up to you how you manage your time as long as you complete projects on time. If you have any graphic design experience and you want to get started, check out sites like Upwork where you can find your first jobs.

Alternatively, you could apply for junior positions with an agency that allows you to work from home. 

Social Media Marketing 

All businesses rely on social media for marketing purposes, but getting it right is harder than you might think. That’s why many businesses turn to a social media marketing expert to manage things for them.

If you have experience in the marketing world and you want a work from home career, this is a great option. If you don’t already have experience, you can still find some great online resources to help you learn the ins and outs.

You can then start networking with businesses online and offering your services. Alternatively, you can look for positions as an in-house social media marketing manager for businesses. 

If working from home is a priority for you after the pandemic, these are the best careers to consider. 

PM Today Contributor
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