Thought Leaders

Should Young People Consider A Manufacturing Career?


The world of manufacturing is vast and varied. When you think of a manufacturing environment, images of production lines, factories, smells, industry and people on a production line may pop into your head.

Fast forward to the twenty first century, and manufacturing is more streamlined, modern and requires the most forward thinking and creative minds to solve industry problems. Manufacturing could mean working in an automotive plant or producing custom made tee shirts for toddlers.

The possibilities are endless. Take a look at why a manufacturing career could be a fruitful one.


The demand for manufacturing roles has never been greater. Emerging markets like China, Taiwan and other nations in the Far East have seen manufacturing plants pop up rapidly. These plants may make parts for cars, advanced drugs or toys for children.

These factories need people that have solid industry led qualifications that can implement a range of working methodologies to enhance the supply chain that they are a part of.

While much of the core manufacturing is AI led, utilise the latest vacuum pump examples to disperse waste, and have roles completed by robots to limit human error, people are still needed to maintain the quality control of a manufacturing plant.


The salary that can be achieved within manufacturing varies by industry. If you work in a factory in an entry level position in a more menial role, salaries can be low. However, if you have completed a management qualification and you get a place on a highly sought after graduate scheme, you could have a career path mapped out for you, leading to a six figure salary when you reach senior management.

If you are keen to be an entrepreneur and secure funding to set up your own manufacturing plant, the amount of revenue you make will be at the mercy of your business plan.

Ensure that you research your chosen sector well, conduct market research and ensure that the item that you are manufacturing is a viable and marketable proposition. You may be wise securing a role working for a manufacturing company to gain some experience before branching out on your own.


The car industry has seen massive growth and change in recent years. The surge for diesel guzzling motors is lessening as more people are keen to swap their gas powered cars for hybrid equivalents. This has meant a huge shift in how automotive production lines are set up.

In the twenty first century, there is much more of a reliance on electronics as safety systems and engines are powered by greener energy. If you are keen to be hands on and actually have your finger on the pulse, you need to look into gaining and electronic engineering qualification as well as studying management.

Manufacturing might not be the sexiest industry in the world, but it is growing and it is profitable. For people who want a challenging and diverse career, you could do worse than manufacturing. Follow this guide and consider if you can enter the manufacturing sphere.

PM Today Team
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