Finding the best possible people who can fit within your company culture and contribute to your organization can be challenging but also an opportunity. Retaining the best people, once you find them, is easy if you do the right things right to begin with, such as using services like ProcureAbility or hiring from within for specific job roles.
Let’s have a look at some of the things you can do to recruit your perfect team:
Improve Your Candidate Pool
Long gone are the days where companies only recruit locally. Many people who are recruiting are now utilizing tools such as head hunters and international recruitment as a successful way to ensure they’re getting the perfect person for the role they are filling.
If you are going to recruit internationally you may need a sponsorship lawyer, especially if you need to sponsor someone to move to your country.
Another great way to make sure you are filling your position with an ideal candidate is to actively look for them. Rather than waiting for people to apply for the role (which is great), try looking on platforms such as LinkedIn and other job search engines where people upload their CVs.
Hire The Sure Thing
Although you may think that it’s hard to come by, hiring someone who has done the exact role before and has extensive expereince is hiring a ‘sure thing’. It’s going to guarantee that they are going to be able to slot right into place and be productive right from the get-go.
Even searching for people who have working or are working for a rival company with a similar culture can ensure you are getting a good fit for your team.
Look First At In-House Candidates
As a rule, you should always look in-house before you look externally. Not only is it motivational for your current employees ot have promotional opportunities, but you also have a pool of candidates who are already familiar with your company, its rules, it’s culture, and probably an idea of what the role consists of. You could even start to delegate some of the responsibilities to staff who have potential with the end goal of promoting them once they have completed some extra training.
Pay Better Than Your Competition
This one might seem obvious, however, it is one that seems to slip under the rug. If you want to make sure you are getting the right candidate then you are going to have to pay for them.
You will probably be inundated with recruit specialists who say they can get you cheap workers, however, it doesn’t always pay off to recruit the cheapest. Instead, you want to ensure the best candidates aren’t taken by your competition because of better pay.
If you have made an offer but your perfect candidate has turned down the offer because of a higher offer from the competition, don’t be afraid to reoffer the position with a higher wage or added benefits.
These four areas of focus should help you to recruit your perfect team. Is there anything that you do to ensure this?