
Project Professionals Fear Coronavirus ‘Disruption and Delay’

construction industry

Most project professionals fear future disruption to their projects as a result of coronavirus, according to research by the Association for Project Management (APM).

A survey of 1,000 project professionals, carried out for APM by research company Censuswide, shows 77% anticipate future disruption to projects they are working on as a result of coronavirus.

Only 14 per cent say their main project has not been affected by the pandemic. The most commonly cited impacts of the outbreak were project delay (44%) and reviews of project goals (29%).

Ahead of an expected announcement from the Government this week of measures aimed at restarting the economy, APM has advised on steps that organisations can take to establish a ‘new normal’ that will ensure projects resume safely and in adherence with government guidelines.

They include social distancing, flexible working, alternative methods of communication, and reviewing budgets and priorities to focus on the most essential work.

Project professionals will be at the forefront of planning and delivering successful change in a post-lockdown world.

APM said they need to adopt new ways of working to deliver projects amid the seismic disruption caused by coronavirus.

Project director and APM chair John McGlynn said organisations should embrace change: “The appetite for businesses to get going again is massive, but remobilising projects is going to require considerable thought and planning as we move to a new normal.

“Many factors impacting projects will need to be considered such as a social distancing measures, staggered start and finish times, adjusted budgets, compressed timelines and a reassessment of the benefits the project is delivering in this new normal. It is vital that those leading on projects are in a position to adapt to change, with the right skills in place.”

David Thomson, APM’s head of external affairs, added: “Restarting projects in a post-pandemic world will demand different behaviours and skills from leaders, including project professionals.

“We hope that the outcomes will show a clear route map back to those organisations that were well organised and have the vision, skills and capacity to adapt at speed against immense pressure and deadlines to deliver.”

Key findings from the include:

  • 44% of respondents say coronavirus has led to their main project being delayed
  • 29% of respondents say the pandemic has caused project goals to be reviewed
  • 26% of respondents say the pandemic has caused deadlines to be missed
  • 17% of respondents say the pandemic has led to project budgets being cut
  • 77% of respondents anticipate further disruption to projects they are working on as a result of coronavirus outbreak


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