
Is Your Social Media Good Enough? Positive Signs To Take Note Of

social media

As a business in the modern world, you’re going to need social media on your side. It’s the best way to reach new customers, as well as bring back repeat custom, and it’s a fairly low cost way of marketing in the long term. 

But social media success doesn’t just happen by magic. You need to curate your content well, and ensure you’re spreading value across a user’s screen. If you want to find out how well you’re doing so far, be on the lookout for the positive signs down below. 

You’re Not Just Posting Images

Images are the standard posting format for social media. However, just using these alone isn’t going to make an impression. Indeed, the algorithm isn’t going to like it either! Short form content is king of the online world right now, and that means you need to start making videos and reels. If you’re not sure how to get started, you can work with a video production company to make something amazing, but each platform has a video creator of their own that’s very intuitive to use. 

You’re Getting Plenty of Comments

It’s not just views and likes you need to be on the lookout for. You should be keeping track of comments as well. The more comments you get, the better a sign you’re receiving. After all, people are clearly stopping to read your posts, and then leaving their own thoughts and questions for you to check out. If you can stop someone from scrolling for long enough that they have time to tap something out, you’re clearly doing something right to capture the attention! 

Your Follower Count is Growing Steadily

You don’t need to gain them fast, or get a huge deluge of them out of nowhere. You just need to see that follower count rise slowly and steadily. A handful of followers per week, usually around 5 to 7, is great for small businesses. It means your content is filtering into the right feeds and being seen by the people who want to see it, without anything happening too fast for you to keep up. It might be nice to see a rapid follower expansion, but they never last! 

Your Competitors Have Reached Out

With compliments or comments about your strategy, but either way, they have something to say. And when you capture the attention of a business similar to yours, it’s a sign you’re competing on a level above theirs. After all, they know about you, and they’re coming to you to ask for advice or say something about a recent campaign. They might not be customers you can convert, but you’re capturing attention within the market nonetheless. That’s very good for your future prospects! 

Your social media needs curation. Feeling ‘good enough’ is fine, but you want to be sure from time to time. Make sure you keep an eye on metrics like these; these points tend to be where the real signs of success lie. 

PM Today Contributor
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