
How You Can Get Your Staff To Work More Efficiently

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When it comes to running a successful business, one thing we all need to do is keep our employees’ skills up to date. There are a variety of strategies to increase your employee’s performance, which will have a long-term impact on your company. This post will provide you with a checklist to help you enhance the performance of your employees.


Manners are critical for the growth and development of your company. If a customer is treated with poor manners or impoliteness by a member of staff, it will affect their decision to use your services again. For example, if you own a corner store in your town and one of your employees is nasty to a customer, the person is unlikely to return or promote your store, even if your product prices are the best in town.

Sit down and consider how you want to portray yourself as a company and how you want your employees to interact with clients. Whenever a new member of staff joins, make sure they understand and follow the standards you’ve established. If you believe you need to put a strategy in place in your company, organize a staff meeting and give a presentation about how you want things to improve. If nothing changes after the discussion, notify your team that disciplinary action will be taken if the new instructions are not followed.

Of course, there will be instances when you have to deal with a grumpy or unpleasant customer. Teach your employees how to control themselves if they become too demanding.


It’s also critical to keep your employees (and yourself!) up to speed on appropriate training so that they can accomplish their jobs properly. If you run a GP practice, for example, your doctors and other medical personnel such as nurses and health visitors will know what to do if someone is discovered on the floor, but will your administrative staff? Providing them with CPR training on a yearly basis could save a life.

It will not only help your consumers and business, but it will also ensure that your employees are safe while performing their duties. You could be in danger if you don’t know how to handle a machine properly, and you could face a large lawsuit as a result.

Giving your employees whatever further training you can provide them will also benefit your company. Things like product knowledge training will give your employees and company an edge! If you can provide something that your competitors can’t, you’ll have a better chance of attracting customers.

Have a plan of action

Your employees will know exactly what they are supposed to be doing if you have a daily plan of action. Although you may trust your employees to utilize their initiative and perform what is required each day, it is a good idea to brief them at the start of their shift so that they have some parameters as to what you want done that day.

Setting goals for the company is another excellent idea. You might want to bring in a specific amount of money each week, for example. Staff could be compensated in some way if and when this goal is met. This will also keep your personnel informed about what you’re aiming to accomplish.

PM Today Contributor
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