
How Will Brexit Affect The World Of Projects?


So it’s happened: the UK has voted to leave Europe and the die is cast. Whether you’re a Brexiter or a Remainer, for or against, one thing is certain at the moment – and that’s uncertainty.

From a journalistic perspective, this is an interesting situation to cover. Firstly, because Project Manager Today is a politically neutral publication, and so we do not seek to offer any biased comment in either direction. Secondly, because many contributors are reluctant to commit themselves to commenting on how Brexit might affect the world of projects at this early stage, when nobody really knows how things will pan out.

So the Project Manager Today team has decided that the most useful thing we can do in this situation is to monitor the different aspects of the Brexit outcome, and bring you the latest comment, articles and news on Brexit that we feel are relevant to our sector.

As project managers, we’re not just concerned with the impact of Brexit on projects themselves. We also need to keep up to speed with the political, economic and social impacts of this event that might affect our work and our futures. So we have categorised the latest news and articles to help you easily navigate your way around the Brexit minefield.

Please do feel free to use our comments section to add any links or articles that you feel might be useful. But we must make it clear: Our comments section is NOT the appropriate place to discuss the merits or otherwise of the vote, it’s a place to keep your fellow PMs up to date with the latest.

Needless to say given the volatile reaction to Brexit, any aggressive, biased or offensive comments will be blocked. This is not the place to air them, so please keep it professional, people!


MEPs call for swift end to Brexit uncertainty

Source: European Parliament News


Obama: Brexit puts European integration project on hold

Source: RT Global News Network



Markets open higher as Brexit impact wanes

Source: Business Standard


Rating agencies downgrade UK credit rating

Source: BBC News


Markets after the referendum: Britain faces project reality

Source: Economist


How will Brexit affect Britain’s trade with Europe?

Source: The Guardian



Brexit means uncertain future for infrastructure projects

Source: Financial Times


Major rail projects more crucial than ever

Source: Railway Technology News


HS2 investment hangs in the balance

Source: Birmingham Mail


No immediate impact on Rolls Royce

Source: Derby Telegraph


Aviva statement on Brexit

Source: FT Adviser



EU disintegration inevitable

Source: George Soros via Project Syndicate


Richard Branson: Virgin lost a third of its value

Source: The Independent


Amy Hatton
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