
How To Write A LinkedIn Recommendation


Two essential components to consider while creating written content are “perplexity” and “burstiness.” Burstiness evaluates the variety of phrase forms, whereas Perplexity explores the subtleties of the text. Ordinarily, human authors imbue their creations with heightened burstiness by interweaving concise and protracted sentences.

Conversely, AI-generated prose tends to lean towards uniform sentence lengths. I will remain mindful of these dynamics to ensure the content I furnish possesses a desired level of Perplexity and burstiness.

Artificial intelligence frequently employs phrasing distinct from human choice when generating written content. Employing less common terminology serves to augment the originality of the composition.

Understanding LinkedIn Recommendations

LinkedIn recommendation signifies a written proclamation by a member, extolling or acknowledging the endeavors of one among their network associates.

Diverging from the realm of LinkedIn endorsements, where members merely engage in a superficial click on the enumerated skills of their connections, recommendations demand a more invested commitment of time and contemplation.

Within the LinkedIn milieu, solicitations for recommendations find their genesis in the first-degree connections. Such requests unfurl when individuals navigate the juncture of pursuing fresh, professional endeavors or catalyzing increased business opportunities for their entrepreneurial pursuits. Consider recommendation examples for LinkedIn for more information to broaden your understanding and how to craft them.

These requests, resonating from present or past associates, collaborators, supervisors, or those who have rendered a service unto you, herald a dimension of acknowledgment beyond the facile endorsement paradigm.

Here is an elaboration on how to construct a LinkedIn recommendation:

Embrace Brevity

Craft your LinkedIn recommendation with conciseness in mind. Lengthy narratives and anecdotes may not resonate with potential employers. Condense your message into 3-5 impactful sentences, ensuring each packs a meaningful punch. Eliminate superfluous details and clichés, as they won’t facilitate your contact in securing their next role.

Commence with Impact

The inaugural sentence of a LinkedIn recommendation is pivotal in capturing an employer’s attention. Steer clear of clichés or vague expressions. Initiate with assertions such as, “Stephanie’s attention to detail is unparalleled,” or, “Darrell’s contributions to our team were indispensable.” Infuse specificity and uniqueness into the opening statement, reinforcing it with additional detail.

Specify the Connection

Incorporate details about your professional relationship and its duration. Was the individual a direct report, manager, team member, or in another capacity? Providing this context contextualizes the remainder of your LinkedIn recommendation.

Illuminate their Persona

Don’t solely concentrate on professional attributes and achievements; illuminate what it was like working with the person daily. Incorporating corporate culture strengthens your LinkedIn recommendation, as this factor heavily influences recruiting decisions.

Conclude with an Endorsement

Wrap up your LinkedIn recommendation by explicitly expressing your endorsement of the person. While this might seem evident, an emotional closing statement is imperative. Ensure it is sincere and genuine since your recommendation is critical.

Additional Suggestions on Crafting a LinkedIn Recommendation

  • Avoid employing templates or outlines. Strive for uniqueness tailored to the individual.
  • Maintain professionalism in your writing while injecting a touch of personality.
  • It is essential to highlight the distinctive qualities that make the candidate a desirable hire. Exercise patience; consider drafting, taking a break, and revisiting for editing later.
  • If you’ve witnessed personal growth in the individual, accentuate that transformative journey, showcasing their potential.

Now armed with the know-how to compose a LinkedIn recommendation, it is recommended that you put this knowledge into practice. When the time comes, your recommendations will significantly influence the more you hone this talent.

PM Today Contributor
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