
How To Help Employees Feel Safe Returning To Work Following Covid


Navigating through the pandemic for almost all businesses has certainly been a challenge. Understanding how to operate a business, despite all of your employees working from home and all meetings having to be conducted on work calls has certainly affected how companies operate.

As restrictions begin to ease and dates are put in place about when things can return to normal, the next challenge business owners now have to tackle is reducing any risks within the workplace.

Of course, most businesses want to resume operating as normal, however, company owners need to take into consideration what steps need to be put in place to minimise the risk to their employees.

If you are looking for ways to help your employees feel safe as they start to set dates as to when they can return to work, here are a couple of ways to create a working environment that reduces any uncertainties individuals have about returning to the office.

Ensure That The Office Is Ready To Open

For many businesses, the office has been closed for a considerable amount of time. As such, investing in having the office deep cleaned will not only allow your workplace to be fresh, but it will also provide employees with peace of mind knowing that the office has undergone thorough treatment before they come back.

Before you open your doors, ensure that social distancing measures have been put into place to ensure that employees are well spaced out whilst they work.

Setting up hand sanitising stations, creating signs and even creating a one-way system around the office, are all factors that can be implemented to help ensure that it is a safe environment for employees to work in.

Create An Employment Safety Net 

It is not just about creating a safer working environment, employees want to feel secure in their current role. The past year created so much uncertainty, with job security being one of the top worries on the list of many people.

To help employees feel comfortable returning to work, creating a safety net will show them that you have taken a step towards trying to make their job as secure as you possibly can.

One way to help form this safety net is by investing in outplacement services. Whilst this might not be a common option, firms such as Randstad RiseSmart offer advice on using outplacement services and how it can be beneficial for both your company and your employees.

If you can show that you have invested in outplacement services, employees will feel grateful that you are willing to support them, even if they are no longer able to work for your business.

Offer Support To Help With Mental Wellbeing

This past year has certainly taken its toll on the mental wellbeing of many people. For those that suffered from their mental health, many felt as though the pandemic added to their suffering.

Before you welcome back employees, take the time to arrange individual calls with them, where you discuss their wellbeing, as well as define what returning to work will mean for them.

With many people experiencing a decline in their mental health, having their employer personally reach out to them to discuss their concerns before they set a date to return will help in easing any of their worries.

Additionally, you can use these calls to collect feedback from all of your employees on decisions that need to be made about reopening the office.

Taking the time to personally reach out to employees, will show them that you genuinely do care about their wellbeing and are willing to put measures in place to support them. All of which they will greatly appreciate in the long run.

Continue Providing Support

Just like you have been doing whilst the vast majority of your workforce has been working from the comforts of their home, provide your team with ongoing support as they gradually begin to come back into the office.

Whether only a portion return to the office or if you split workdays into so many days coming into the office to work and remaining days continuing to work from home, providing your team with the support they need to feel comfortable with this transition will help with the process.

Understandably, this past year has been a difficult time for many people. With how people work being one of the most affected areas, employers need to be considerate and mindful that an individual’s confidence and outlook on work will have shifted.

As such, it is important to show that you are willing to help your team in any way you can to help ensure that they feel comfortable with continuing with their work. If this means they work predominately from home or in the office, showing that you are flexible in your approach will be appreciated.


PM Today Contributor
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