
How To Have More Natural Light In Your Office 


If you are an employer and you have an office where people go to work each day, you’ll have certain responsibilities to take care of, mainly linked to the health and safety of your employees.

You’ll need to ensure the office is safe and secure and that everyone has what they need, and you’ll also need to make sure you get as much natural light into that office as possible. 

Natural light is a positive mood booster, helping your team feel better. Plus, it’s been shown to be great for productivity, so they’ll be able to get more work done too. With that in mind, here are some of the ways to let more natural light into your office. 

Clean The Windows 

One great way to let more natural light into your office so your employees can benefit from it is to clean the windows. That might sound like a strange thing to say, but it makes a lot of sense – if your windows are dirty, they’re not going to let as much light in as they could do if they were clean. 

In an office building, it’s easy to ignore the windows or put off cleaning them because it’s a big task (especially if you’re not on the ground floor), but you can hire good commercial window cleaning experts to do the job for you, and that’s definitely something that will benefit everyone. 

Use Light Colours 

If you use light colours in your office – on the walls, the floors, and even when it comes to furniture – the light that does come in through the window will be reflected off those light colours and make the room much brighter as a result. Although you won’t technically have more sunlight coming in, you’ll make more of it when it does come streaming through the window, so it’s a good idea to consider the colour palette of the office. 

If you go for tones like white, clean, grey, or beige, for example, you’ll really make the most of what you’ve got, and it will turn the office into a much more comfortable space. Not only that, but if you use light colours rather than dark ones, you’ll find the entire space feels bigger too, which is another way to ensure your team is comfortable. 

Task Lighting

There will be days, especially during autumn and winter, when there just isn’t all that much natural light, no matter what changes you make or how clean your windows are. That’s why it’s a good idea to have a backup in place – in that way, even when things are dull and grey outside, you can still have light inside. It won’t be natural, as such, but it’s better than nothing. 

We’re talking about having task lighting available for your workers. You can have desk lamps, for example, and lights in the kitchen that help people use the sink and other areas safely. To make things even better, you can invest in lamps that mimic sunlight – it’s not quite the same, but it’s still something that works. 

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