
How To Figure Out Exactly What Your Career Should Be

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It’s really quite difficult to figure out how we should be spending our time. We’d all like to bring in money by doing our hobby and not really putting ourselves under too much pressure, but that’s not how this world works.

We all need to challenge ourselves and put in a hard shift in order to feel genuinely satisfied each evening. Working always seems like a drag, but without it, we’d feel like we have no purpose in this world. Anyone who has been out of work for a significant period will know all about the worthlessness that idling at home brings.

So, perhaps you’re sick of where you’re working, or you’ve been furloughed due to this current climate. There is literally no better time to look for your perfect place than now.

They say yesterday was the best time and the second-best time is today – so get moving! How can you figure this kind of thing out? Well, here are some ideas. You might not immediately find the perfect, dream role, but taking part in a few exercises will certainly hurry it up.

Jot Down What You Love In This World

Write out some of the things you love doing. When people enjoy what they do, they never, ever work. This is quite the cliché, but it’s a cliché nowadays because it’s true. Imagine waking up every single morning content with your life because your job is something that you truly care about.

Write out your passions to kick this entire thing off. With those written down, you’ll be able to take further steps. It’s a good foundation to have. Also, be sure to write down what you hate so that you can avoid them!

Speak To A Careers Advisor

This is a simple idea, but one that should be considered. There are people out there who are able to find the perfect job for you. You might struggle your entire life for no reason while someone in a better place can point you in the right direction.

A careers advisor can be that guardian angel you need in your professional life. 

Practice New Things All The Time 

Whatever you like doing or whatever you feel as though you’re good at – practice it. The way we get better at things – and stand more of a chance in success regarding them – is by doing them over and over again.

The best are obsessed with improving – even if they’re already fantastic. If you’re looking to get into coding and computers, then perhaps you could look at how to become a good .net developer in order to supplement your HTML, CSS and PHP skills.

If you’re a writer, then perhaps you could figure out how to construct a wonderful storyline and how to actually get something published. 

Read Up On The Kinds Of Jobs Around 

There are an almost infinite amount of jobs and university courses around. Right now, you could look at something and think it’s an absolute no-go, when, in actual fact, it’s the perfect thing for you. Be sure to ask around for takes on what certain jobs are like as you never know what you could learn. 

PM Today Contributor
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