
How To Facilitate A Seamless Return To Work After Lockdown

After spending over a year working remotely, many people are starting to return to offices, call centres, hospitality venues, stores and public buildings.

The world is a very different place and it may take some getting used to being back in the office but there are steps leaders, managers and senior members of staff can take to facilitate a seamless return. 

Clear guidance and communication

Nobody could have expected 2020 to unfold in the way it did and people are likely to approach returning to work with a mixture of excitement and trepidation. Communication is key as workers come back into the office and prepare to adapt to different working conditions.

Every employee or external worker should be made aware of instructions and guidelines in advance of returning to or visiting a workplace for the first time. Employers, company executives and project managers have a responsibility to provide information and communicate with teams to make sure that they are ready and they know what to expect. It’s important to keep channels of communication open before, during and after the transition to make sure that it goes as smoothly as possible. 

Instructions and directions

New Covid-safe guidelines, regulations and measures mean that many workplaces look very different to how they did when workers left a year ago. Managers can help staff to adjust by using posters and signs to highlight new measures and provide advice for employees who may need to be tested or undertake training.

Understanding how wayfinding signs work can help to create a more accessible workspace and save time and stress when employees or visitors enter the office. You can use signs to point people in the direction of information points, customer service and human resources departments and testing areas if you’re providing staff with regular Covid-19 tests. 

Managing expectations

It’s natural for people to be excited about life returning to something that resembles normality but it’s also understandable for employees and customers to be nervous. Managing expectations is a means of helping people to prepare for what lies ahead and enabling them to adjust to new environments or ways of working.

Let people know what has changed and how it will impact them. You can update your blog, share video clips and images and communicate with internal and external staff via email, instant messaging and video calls. If people have an idea of what to expect when they go back to the office and they know what their new daily routine will look like, this will help to build confidence, prevent confusion, reduce stress and anxiety and increase efficiency and productivity. If you have different departments and rules and regulations vary, it’s wise to ensure that every member of staff receives targeted, tailored advice. 

Thousands of people are preparing to leave their dining room tables and spare bedrooms and return to work. Take these tips on board to facilitate a smooth transition, reduce stress, prepare teams and make it as easy as possible for employees and visitors to adjust. 

PM Today Contributor
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