
How Law Firms Need To Add Value to Their Practice


While law is in rude health in many ways, not least the pandemic causing a backlog of cases, the modern law firm is struggling to catch up with the rest of the other industries in one crucial way.

While there is a lot of promise in the legal world on the technological front, it seems there is still a lot to be desired.

While AI is transforming the legal world by using forecasting technology, the reality is that many law firms need to start simpler. With the number of practising lawyers and cases building up, any law firm must understand the best practices of streamlining their processes.

Automation and machine learning have become invaluable to many modern businesses. In the legal arena, it is a perfect integration to bypass many mundane processes that consume a large part of a lawyer’s time.

The number of legal case management software packages available has worked to streamline many law firms documentation while also using automation.

While AI is perfect for more complex tasks, law firms need to start simpler. Automation is outstanding as a tool for secretaries that need to manage the client intake process or budget, as well as invoice submissions.

Cloud-based applications are another component that will help the struggling law firm. Efficiency is more crucial than ever, especially with various lawyers working remotely due to the current climate. Utilising cloud-based software can improve efficiency while also maintaining a free flowing and accessible environment that has a positive impact on productivity.

Incorporating cloud-based software into a work environment can transform how businesses run. The importance of reducing the administrative tasks and switching the focus from internal processes to winning more clients is more pivotal than ever.

Many law firms struggle to measure their activities. Many lawyers believe their legal departments are using big data effectively. But using it to strengthen plans is a way for law firms to learn from their past mistakes.

Data quality best practices can improve a legal practice’s revenue by 66%, so legal departments can see benefits from measuring the data. This is a common practice in many businesses, but now legal practices and now starting to catch up by incorporating metrics.

As standard companies use metrics to engage with their client base, law firms can do the same and use their position in the market as a way to act upon empirical information. A cardinal sin of legal practices is that they operate on conjecture and conceptions rather than solid facts, which will inhibit their performance. 

Adding value to a law firm can be done in a number of ways to streamline while also automating specific processes. Law firms are now jumping on the marketing bandwagon, which is vital in the modern world to win custom.

As law firms are now using various practices to boost the value of their daily work, from automation applications to screen more clients to crowdfunding legal work, it is imperative that the modern law firm finds value in a number of areas.

PM Today Contributor
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