
How Can Businesses Overcome The Tech Skills Shortage?


In recent years it has become clear that we have shortage of technology skills in the industry. And with a huge acceleration in the digital sector, this could leave the UK in a difficult situation.

Why does the UK have a shortage of tech skills?

There are a combination of factors that have led to such a shortage in the technology field. A lack of understanding about careers in the industry, particularly from school students, plus very few role models is certainly a huge reason. The number of young people taking IT subjects at GCSE has dropped 40% since 2015.

As Nicki Young, President of Okdo suggested,

“A Data Analyst, a Software Developer, a Web Designer – these should be aspired careers. This is particularly important amongst female students who are still studying STEM subjects in low numbers but have proven themselves to be highly capable; typically achieving higher grades than male students.”

It’s clear that work needs to be done to attract young people to the tech industry and this needs to begin with education. STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) learning is one aspect and the rise of materials and devices used to teach subjects such as coding and programming is encouraging.

Impact of Brexit and the pandemic

Another hurdle businesses need to overcome is the Brexit situation and the fact that many EU technology professionals are no longer working in the UK. The pandemic has also forced many to re-think their careers and left businesses as a whole, struggling to recruit.

And it’s not just the UK in this situation. The pandemic, alongside an accelerate digital industry, means that this problem is being seen worldwide. Businesses are needing specialised, digital skill sets but there are not enough candidates with the right training.

How can businesses overcome the tech skills shortage?

Investing in employees and training is a huge part of overcoming this problem. Without this, companies will find it difficult to retain staff and it will become costly in the long term. Alongside extra training, ensuring your business is appealing to employees will attract the right candidates. Consider increasing salaries, offer flexible working and maintain a good reputation.

Businesses have also offered roles through apprenticeships and graduate schemes instead of simply hiring experienced staff. This benefits both parties as the company initially has an extra person to assist on a lower wage whilst the employee receives full support and training.

Another way to find the right candidates is to expand your search horizons. Use social media, job fairs and partnerships with local universities and colleges as well as traditional recruitment approaches.

The future of the technology industry is only going to expand, therefore it’s important that both educators and businesses are proactive in their approach to attracting students and employees into the sector.

PM Today Contributor
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