Guides 10 Practical Tips To Rationalize Your Portfolio In Times Of Uncertainty Now is the time to act fast, make the required strategy changes, and thoughtfully rationalize and rebalance your project and innovation portfolios. Noel Sobelman 19th Aug
Guides The PMO Mandate: A Key To Building A Successful PMO PMOs play a significant role in ensuring that the strategies of the organizations they support are realized through the execution of portfolios, programs, and… Mark Price Perry 19th Aug
Guides Preparedness Masterclass Getting Ready To Return To Work After COVID With lockdown easing up and the prospect of returning to work causing many to feel anxious it’s vital for workplaces to evaluate the best… PM Today Contributor 05th Aug
Guides How To Prepare For Bringing A Scientific Product To Market Bringing a scientific product to market is a process with many challenges. Kelvin Summoogum 20th Jul
Guides How To Turn Compliance Into A Competitive Advantage Stricter privacy regulations means businesses must ensure they meet regulatory requirements in every aspect of their client relationships. Andrew White 30th Jun
Guides Seven Tips To Consider When Successfully Reintegrating Furloughed Employees Businesses can reinstate antiquated people practices or create a new reality where everyone can thrive. Teresa Boughey 19th Jun
Guides Dynamic Planning And Rapid Reprioritization: Resilience Amid Disruption What to do when you are being forced to make quick decisions that could have long-lasting consequences for your employees, customers, and shareholders. Linda Roach 11th Jun
Guides How Do You Conduct Resource Planning As A Savvy PMO? Inadequate resource planning practices make it difficult to quickly deliver innovative products, services, and customer experiences. Scott Townsend 09th Jun
Guides The World of Work is Changing—Here’s How You Can Embrace It Has your organization evolved in terms of how work gets done? Angie Sarmiento 09th Jun
Guides How Pubs May Try To Control The Spread Of Covid-19 Suggestions were made at a Science Media Centre and Royal Academy of Engineering briefing. Helen William 04th Jun
Guides How To Adapt To A Flat Hierarchy In Your Business How do organisations work when people set their own goals? David Amor 02nd Jun
Guides How To Integrate Creative Campaigns Across Multiple Channels Integration is key to success in any marketing campaign, as you want your brand to appear with a consistent tone of voice, image and… Tim Hyde 25th May
Guides Five Ways To Reduce Stress Among Homeworkers Carlene Jackson, CEO of tech company Cloud9 Insight, says staff should be given flexible hours and have lots of time off to cut stress. Carlene Jackson 19th May
Guides Software Projects: Better Estimation and Control Almost everybody these days sizes software story points. But what is a story point? To every agile team, it means something different. Colin Hammond 05th May