
Four Ways To Keep Your Staff Happy When Remote Working

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Remote working is something that is happening a lot more now than ever before, and that’s mainly due to the recent situation of the COVID-19 pandemic.

As a result, businesses have had to quickly adapt to a mainly remote-based working situation with staff working from their own homes and still are in some cases. Here are four ways to keep your staff happens when remote working.

Always Maintain Communication

Remember that communication is important when it comes to the happiness of your staff because working from home can get pretty lonely. Yes, they might have the support and comfort of a family household or roommates, but not having social interaction with others can make it difficult.

The same goes for those who are living on their own and working from home. It’s good to keep up with communication as much as you can, checking in to see if they’re alright.

There’s plenty of ways you can implement this. It could be a daily meeting either at the start of the day or near the end. You could use software that helps you chat with them via a web-messenger type platform.

Find what works for you and your staff and make sure that everyone is doing it. Communicating within the business still needs to happen, so try to avoid simply using emails to speak to one another. Have video conference meetings where you can or talk over the phone.

Give Rewards Where Possible

Rewards are a great way to show you care and appreciate your staff members. During remote working, it’s not always possible to show the efforts that your employees are going to when you can’t see them most of the time. However, if the work they provide is paying off and clearly being worked on, rewards should be the same as usual. Consider using Xexec to help with dishing out rewards as and when you can within the company.

Be More Flexible With Days Off

Flexibility is important in business for your staff because it’s important to recognise that life goes on outside of the workplace, and sometimes your employees might need to drop things at a moment’s notice. However, when it comes to working remotely, you should be able to give some flexibility on a working day and how long they need to spend working. Working from home can easily become a 24/7 job and so show your support to your staff by being strict with timings.

Offer Emotional Support If Needed

Emotional support is definitely important, and it’s something that we all need to varying degrees. Working from home can take a toll, especially if it’s over a long period of time. With that being said, it’s good to be able to offer your support as an employer where you can. One-to-one meetings can be good to help check in personally to ensure they’re doing ok and nothing is overwhelming them in any way.

Keeping your staff happy is important, so try to do what you can, where and when possible.


PM Today Contributor
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