
Ford And Facebook Join Race To Zero Climate Campaign

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Ford and Facebook have joined the campaign to reach net-zero carbon emissions, Business Secretary Alok Sharma will announce as he kicks off Climate Week 2020.

Mr Sharma is to speak at a special event on Monday, alongside political and industry leaders about the next decade of clean energy co-operation.

He will announce that major companies such as the US carmaker and the social networking giant will join the Race To Zero campaign to accelerate net-zero carbon emission commitments.

Mr Sharma is also set to launch the UN Climate Change Conference’s Energy Transition Council, to bring together leaders to speed up the transition from coal to renewables in developing countries.

The UK will chair the council alongside Damilola Ogunbiyi, the UN Secretary General’s Special Representative for Sustainable Energy for All (SEforALL).

It comes after the UK Government announced a new £50 million investment in a new Clean Energy Innovation Facility (CEIF).

This will help developing countries get easier access to innovative clean energy technologies, focusing on key sectors such as industry, cooling, smart energy and storage.

Mr Sharma, who is also president of the upcoming Cop26 climate conference, said: “Climate change affects every single one of us and we all have a part to play to champion climate action ahead of Cop26.

“Through the Energy Transition Council and the UK’s ambitious climate finance commitments, I hope to drive the transition to cleaner energies, and I urge all businesses, cities and regions to join the Race To Zero coalition.”

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