
Decluttering Tips That Will Prepare You For Downsizing

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If you have lived in your home for a very long time then there might not be space at your new property for all the stuff you have. If you suspect that this is the case with your property, then this guide will help to make the whole process of decluttering as easy as possible for you.

Tackle One Room at a Time

The first thing you need to do is try and tackle one room at a time. Decluttering can be daunting, but if you start small then this will make it feel much more manageable. Consider beginning in a spare room, or an office if you have one. The main reason for this is that it gives you the chance to start small, so you can gradually work your way up. If you need some storage tips, you can find a lot online.

Start Small

For every room in your house, begin by emptying your furniture. This could include your drawers, wardrobes, cupboards and bedside tables. Will you be taking the furniture to your new home? If not then you can offer it to the buyers, or you can donate it. Selling second-hand furniture is also an option if you want to make a bit of money here.

Split Things into Piles

If possible, you need to split things into keep-and-go piles. The keep pile can be packed away in boxes, ready for moving. You can also sell items to your friends, or even to charitable organizations. If you don’t feel as though any of your items are worth selling then this is fine, you can simply take them to your local recycling centre. 

If you have kids then it’s much easier for you to ask them to sort through the things themselves. Spare bedrooms and lesser-used areas might contain stuff that your kids have left behind when they moved out. They might want to keep them, or they may be happy to throw them away. Either way, if you communicate with them then this will help you to rid your home of excess clutter.

Reduce the Items that Come in Sets

If you have a lot of items that have come as part of a set, then now may be the time for you to downsize. If you have a lot of plates, bowls and sets of cutlery then you may be able to leave some of this behind. If you once needed 6 plates for your family plus spares, but now your kids have left home, you can probably get rid of some. This will free up a huge amount of space in your cupboards, which is great, to say the least.

Be Practical

When you declutter, you may notice that you have an emotional attachment to the items that you have around your home. This is understandable, but at the same time, you need to make sure that you are practical in your approach. As you declutter, be mindful of how much space you are going to have in your new home. If you are unsure as to how much space you are going to have then measure. Use the floor plan of your new home to make final decisions regarding your furniture. 

Take your Time

Start preparing early if you can. If you have moved house in the past then you will know how much work is involved. If you want to keep stress at a minimum then one thing you can do is make an early start. Don’t leave things until the last minute, and make sure that you are proactive in getting rid of stuff you just don’t need. At the same time, you don’t want to rush everything and burn yourself out.

At this point, it could be wise for you to create a moving checklist. This will detail what you need to pack and why. You can also detail all of the jobs you need to get done, whether it is moving your utilities over to the new home or updating your internet details. Little things like this can help you to make the most out of your house move and they can also help you to keep everything organized, which is great, to say the least.

So if you follow this guide, you should find that it is very easy for you to downsize for your upcoming move. If you need some help decluttering then you can hire a decluttering service to take care of the difficult jobs for you.

PM Today Contributor
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