
Could You Work From Home?

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If you were to ask anyone the most irritating or tasking part of their job, many people will respond that it’s their morning commute, or some kind of environmental factor in their office work environment. Studies have found that commuting is bad for our overall health and wellbeing.

On top of that, we’re leaving the house for an extended period of time that we’re not being paid for, just to get to our job.

Seeing as most people work similar hours, commute routes are often busy. If you drive, there’s bound to be traffic. If you take public transport, it’s bound to be packed with people.

In major cities, you may even have to wait for train or bus after train or bus because all the ones that are turning up are already full. Office spaces can also be uncomfortable environments.

Uniforms and business wear may feel restrictive. The temperature isn’t likely to suit everyone’s tastes at once. There are countless potential problems!

The good news is that there are alternative options out there. Increasing numbers of people are considering working from home. Nowadays, this is becoming increasingly possible.

After all, the rise of tech means we’re all instantly contactable and many of us complete our work online anyway.

Some people have doubts as to whether teams and employees can be motivated and monitored while working from home, but the infographic below shows that it is possible! Take a look through. It can show you just how effective working from home can be!

Infographic Design By University of Alabama Birmingham

PM Today Contributor
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