
Building A Global Brand Without Burning Out

When you look at global brands such as Apple, Amazon and Coca Cola you instantly know what they stand for. They’re brand ethos is crystal clear, their logo is distinctive and their products are pretty great too.

One day you hope to run a successful business that is known all over the world. You have experienced burnout before and it’s not a great feeling. Working relentlessly to try and accomplish your goals will leave you feeling slow, sluggish and unmotivated.

Whether you’re trying to figure out how to market your business or you want to laser focus on your brand message, here are a few ways to build a global brand simply and quickly.

Seek Out Assistance

Trying to build a global brand without any professional assistance will be time consuming and stressful on your part. You will need to keep a tight grip on how your brand is perceived to your target audience and this can only be done on a small scale if you’re working by yourself.

If you’re really committed to levelling up your business then you should definitely consider brand asset management. Maintaining a consistent and professional brand will be much easier with a dedicated brand manager. This will also help to protect your brand on a wide scale too.

Know Exactly Who You’re Talking To

Every excellent brand has an ideal client avatar that is created during the initial stages of building your business. If you haven’t already established yours then it’s time to create an in depth profile of who your ideal client is.

When you understand what their hobbies, jobs, beliefs, ages and salaries are you will be able to target your brand to speak to them directly.

Sell From the Heart

The most successful brands in the world have one person at the centre of it. When you think of Facebook you automatically know exactly who Mark Zuckerberg is and what he stands for. Building a world wide brand often involves the entrepreneur putting themselves out there in a way that speaks to people’s emotions.

When you are able to get vulnerable and talk openly about your experiences your clients will start to relate to you. In order to sell from the heart you have to truly believe in your product or service, so make sure you go into selling with complete transparency and authenticity.

Don’t Be Afraid to Pivot

Sometimes your initial brand idea won’t work out and that is absolutely fine. You need to recognize the flaws in your plans and catch them before it’s too late. When you go through a rebrand, you might be worried about losing your existing audience.

If your brand is still aligned with your original concept, your new message should still captivate your current audience. 

All in all, you need to take your time when it comes to building a brand. You won’t achieve overnight success, especially if you aren’t crystal clear on your messaging. Take your time to do your research and you will prevent burnout along the way too.

Creating a global brand will take plenty of trial and error, patience and persistence.

PM Today Contributor
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