
Branding Your Vehicles to Boost Recognition

Germany cars

Company vehicles are essential for a range of businesses, from those that use travelling salespeople to those providing domestic services. Adding your company branding to your fleet may not be a requirement, but it’s certainly something worth considering. It has a number of great benefits, including helping to increase brand visibility and recognition.

You can add branding to cars, vans and other vehicles in multiple ways too, from displaying your logo to using your brand colours. As you or your employees drive around, you have the opportunity to spread your message and market your business as you go about your day.

Why Brand Your Vehicles?

Adding branding to your company vehicles has some excellent benefits. Firstly, it helps to boost brand visibility and recognition. Whether a vehicle is currently on the road or it’s parked somewhere visible, people will see your branding. They will be able to see the name of your company and what you do, as well as perhaps even some contact information or where to find you. Next time they need products or services like yours, your brand might come to mind first. Vehicle branding can help your vehicles look more official too, providing reassurance in terms of security.

You can use your vehicle branding to include a phone number, website, or social media handles. This clear contact information makes it simple for potential customers to seek you out and find out more about you. You could even display special promotions as an extra incentive to draw people in.

Paint or Wrap the Vehicle

There are multiple ways to brand your vehicles, but you might start by painting them in your brand colours or perhaps wrapping them with a complete design. It’s easy to choose a colour that matches your brand visuals, whether you buy vehicles that are already a suitable colour or choose to paint them. You might not paint the entire vehicle, but perhaps add some splashes of colour that tie into your brand colours.

Wrapping a vehicle is another option if you want to add a full design to a company vehicle. A vehicle wrap is usually made from vinyl and allows you to print any design and apply it to the vehicle, rather than having to paint it on (which would take a lot longer). It can be used to simply change the colour or texture of a vehicle, but it’s also useful for adding logos, advertising, and more. Vehicle wrapping helps to protect the exterior of the vehicle too, helping to prevent expensive scratches to the body.

Make the Logo Prominent

Of course, if you want to brand your company vehicles, it makes sense to display your logo somewhere prominent. When your vehicles are on the road, there might not be much time for anyone to take in your branding. But your logo can quickly tell them who you are and what you do. You could choose to display it in several places, depending on the type and size of the vehicle. Logos can work well on both the front and back of a vehicle, and you can consider displaying them on the sides too.

One thing to consider is the placement of your name and logo in relation to doors. Think about what it will look like when the door is open, especially if it’s a sliding door that will move one part of the design over another part. As well as avoiding a design that looks awkward (or even accidentally says something rude), you can think about how to use this to your advantage. Maybe there’s a clever way to create a new design when the door is open.

Include Clear Messaging

On top of your logo, you might want to include some additional brand messaging. The obvious choice for this would be your brand slogan or tagline, if you have one. You have a limited amount of space, so there’s only so much you can say. A tagline helps to tell people more about your brand, not just telling people about what you do but also conveying your brand personality and values.

There’s also often space to add a little information about your business. You might have a brief list of the services or products you offer, for example. Add some clear bullet points that tell people about your main services or products to make it more obvious what you do. This can be especially important if your name or logo doesn’t make it immediately clear what your business is. You need to provide a little more context to help promote your brand’s visibility and recognition.

Get Custom Plates

It might not be the first thing you think of, but customising your vehicles’ plates is a unique way to add branding. By including private plates, you can make your vehicles more recognisable and give them a playful touch too. Of course, it’s easier to do this with just a couple of vehicles. After the first two or three, you might run out of ideas for plates that match your brand. But if you’re a sole trader or have only a small team, it could make sense to give each vehicle its own unique plate. Not only does this make your vehicles more identifiable for the public, but your drivers might also identify with and care more about their vehicles.

Show You Care About Good Driving

If your aim is to boost your brand visibility and reputation, it’s not just what’s on your vehicle that matters. The driving quality you exhibit is important too, and members of the public will be judging your company on how well your drivers behave. You can use the branding on your vehicles to show that you care about this and that you want to hear any comments (good or bad) about driving performance. Just including a contact number or email address so people know they can get in touch can be a good additional touch.

Boost your brand recognition with your company vehicles. Business branding will help make your brand more recognisable and deliver promotion on the move.

PM Today Contributor
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