
Attracting More Clients As A Freelancer

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Freelancing is an attractive way of working, and if you’ve got the right skills to make a go of it, it could be an exciting way to build your career. The flexibility and the freedom to choose when you work and who you work for is great, but there are some downsides too.

Most freelancers will have experienced a period where things aren’t as fruitful as they have been before. Different times of the year can signal quiet times for workloads, and that’s when panic can set in for a freelancer.

Having an active strategy for attracting new clients is important for your freelance business, so you shouldn’t let it slip when things are going well. Find out how you can attract more clients as a freelancer to boost your workload and help you enjoy a regular, steady income.

Develop an online presence

When people are looking for a product or service, their first stop these days is the internet. Creating an online presence for your freelance business is important to help you become more discoverable, and could lead to more business. 

Bring in some professional web design to help you create the perfect website for your business. This can be a place for you to host your portfolio and the views of happy past clients to help create a great impression around your business.

Make sure you create social media accounts and get yourself on LinkedIn to maximise your opportunities for finding new clients.

Use different forms of marketing

There are several marketing channels at your disposal to help you find new clients. Social media is an obvious, affordable choice, and using targeted ads could help introduce your services to a whole new range of clients. Some other affordable ways of marketing your freelance business include email marketing, blogging about your business and cold-calling. Not all methods will be suitable to your type of work, but you could find something that works for you.

Focus on word of mouth

Word of mouth can be a very powerful thing for a freelancer. When your clients are happy with the services you provide, they’ll be happy to share your name with others. Whenever you’ve completed a project, make sure you ask for feedback and share it on your website and social channels – it helps build your reputation and helps new clients develop trust. Having a referral scheme is also a great idea to help you attract more clients. 

Get networking

Have you ever given networking a try? Networking isn’t for everyone, but it can be a good way to get your name out there and meet potential new clients. Being able to put a face to a name will help people remember you, and gives you the chance to talk about your business and projects in a way you might not be able to via online communication.

Attracting clients to your freelance business should include many approaches, helping you to explore different avenues to see what works best for you. Don’t forget that you can use your quiet time to focus on your business, take time off and do things you wouldn’t normally get the chance to do when you’re knee-deep in projects.

Attracting more clients is important, but it’s also important to find the right balance for your freelance business.

PM Today Team
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