
Are You Prepared For A Disaster?


It is imperative for all businesses to be prepared for a disaster. As you can see from the infographic below, 43 per cent of all companies in the United Kingdom have experienced a data attack or breach within the past year. That is quite a startling statistic, isn’t it?

However, the trouble is that a lot of business owners have the “it won’t happen to me” attitude. They believe that they are immune from the threat of a data breach and that it won’t happen to them. However, all businesses, irrespective of how big or small, have data that criminals and hackers are going to want to get their hands on.

This includes monetary data and personal information. It is your duty to make sure you do everything in your power to protect this data. 

If you don’t, the consequences can be very severe. Not only will you be subject to fines for your lack of compliance, but you will also find that you need to spend a lot of money building your relationships with your customers back up again, which is not an easy task.

By having a disaster recovery plan in place, though, you can make sure that you are able to respond to any problems quickly before they end up turning into a massive issue.

Infographic Design By M247

PM Today Contributor
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