
A General Recruitment Guide For Your Organization

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Hiring the right employees for your business can make all the difference between success and failure. Recruiting the wrong people can set your business behind.

The recruitment process is something that you need to get right at the outset, it will save you a lot of problems in the long run.

In order to make recruitment easier, there are some guidelines you need to follow. Once you know these basic guidelines you can use them to recruit for any position in your organization.

Think About What You Need

Having a clear idea of exactly what your business needs at any given time makes the recruitment process a lot easier. Determine what it will take for your business to run smoothly and the exact skills you need from anyone you employ.

Make Your Salary Competitive

Competitive salaries attract top talent. Research your industry so that you can have a firm idea of what others are offering. You can either match the current salary or offer your employees a little bit more.

Create a Great Work-life Balance

As much as possible you should try to create a great work-life balance for your employees. When you are recruiting someone especially if they show a lot of potential let them know about your company’s policies on work-life balance. 


However, before you can discuss this kind of perk, you need to actually have it in place. Make sure that you create an environment at your company where your staff can have a personal life outside of the workplace.

Create a Job Description

Before you can hire the best person for the job you need to know exactly what you are looking for. Make sure that you lay out a detailed job description. This should outline the duties, and responsibilities that the position entails.

Plan Your Recruitment Strategy 

A recruitment strategy normally requires that you meet with everybody that is involved in the hiring process. All of you should discuss your needs and what you want from new hires.

Once you have gathered all the information you can develop a plan that caters to everyone’s needs. There are certain industries where you will need more targeted help to find good candidates. For example, for technical recruitment, you may need the help of a company such as Cartisian Technical Recruitment to assist you.

Prescreen Your Candidates

Pre-screening your candidates is one of the easiest ways to save time when you need to recruit people. Spend some time talking with a candidate you are interested in on the phone, this will help you to gauge their responses in a more real way.

Check out their social media pages if they have any to learn all you can about them ahead of time.

Ready to Hire

The recruitment process can be a tedious one because employees can make or break an organization. Making the wrong decision can have far-reaching consequences. 

This is why you need to at least have some general recruitment guidelines in place before you employ new people.

PM Today Contributor
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