
85% Of Businesses To Operate On A Cloud-First Principle, By 2025 Say Gartner.

cloud computing

2025 may seem like a good while away yet, but this isn’t the case. Indeed, in business staying ahead of the curve, especially concerning IT is essential. If you want to maintain a competitive edge, that is? Indeed, that is why many businesses are already making the change from their old legacy IT systems to cloud-based ones. Read about the reasons why below. 

Better Collaboration

As more and more businesses switch to a remote model, the ability to collaborate efficiently becomes increasingly important. Happily, this is an area in which cloud computing shines. The reason being that it can provide access to the same files across larger communities and groups instantaneously. 

Of course, this is great news for businesses as it means more efficient ways of working and so higher productivity. Not to mention those that are switching to remote ways of working to save money and put less strain on the environment. 


Another reason so many businesses are switching to a cloud-based computing model is the increased flexibility that it can provide. After all, with cloud-based computing you are not limited on storage space or bandwidth, things that can help boost operation speeds, and ensure your business is run most efficiently. 

Cloud computing also allows your business to scale your business, both up and down far more easily than legacy systems. The reason being that no equipment needs to be bought, sold, or installed as your requirements change. Indeed, the changes can be made almost instantaneously, and with many providers offering a pay-by-use model, you won’t pay a penny more than necessary either. 


As most businesses are aware, consumers are becoming much savvier about environmental issues. Indeed, companies not considering this in the way they operate their business can expect customers to make their opinions known both on social media and in the way they choose to spend their money. 

What this means is choosing more eco-friendly ways of operating your business is vital, and this means switching to cloud computing is a great fit. Indeed, by using a cloud computing setup you can save on C02 emission and energy consumption.  

Save money 

Cloud computing specialists such as Nutanix also point out that there are significant benefits of switching from a legacy system in the areas of cost-efficiency. This is because servers are no longer required in-house, and so the cost of the hardware, software, maintenance, and square footage to house them is eliminated. 

Better IT security 

Not only are cloud servers located in specialist buildings with ample security and cooling measures, but they also offer another way to strengthen the security of your business. 

The name of the game are updates here, security updates to be precise. A task that many companies can spend an inordinate amount of time completing when they have in-house servers.

The good thing about cloud computing is that servers are maintained 24/7 and updates are handled automatically. Something that means an IT specialist within your business can dedicate their precious time to dealing with all the other pressing issues and tickets that are collecting in their inbox. 

PM Today Contributor
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