
6 Unexpected Expenses You Need To Consider When Planning For Retirement

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Retirement is supposed to be the time when you finally get a chance to relax, enjoy life and do all the things that you’ve been putting off. However, before you can sit back and bask in all your hard work, there are several unexpected expenses that could easily derail your retirement plans.

In this blog post, we’ll explore five expenses you need to consider when planning for retirement so you can confidently live out your golden years stress-free!

Healthcare costs

When you’re retired and on a fixed income, even small unexpected expenses can be a big deal. And one of the biggest potential expenses is healthcare.

According to a recent study by Fidelity Investments, a 65-year-old couple retiring today can expect to spend an average of $315,000 on healthcare costs in retirement.

So what can you do to prepare for these potentially high healthcare costs? First, if you’re still working, max out your contributions to a health savings account (HSA). These are tax-advantaged accounts you can use to cover qualified medical expenses in retirement.

Second, consider buying long-term care insurance to help cover the costs of things like in-home care or nursing home stays. It’s not cheap – premiums can easily run into the thousands of dollars per year – but it could save you a lot of money down the road.

Finally, make sure you have a good understanding of Medicare and what it does (and doesn’t) cover. Many people are surprised to learn that Medicare doesn’t cover long-term care costs. That’s why it’s so important to have a plan in place to address these potential expenses.


With airfare, lodging, food and activities, it’s not unusual to drop $5,000 or more on a single trip abroad. Of course, you don’t have to go on an exotic vacation every year to rack up travel expenses.

Even if you just take a few road trips or visit relatives a few times per year, those costs can really add up. Gasoline, hotels, meals and souvenirs can all take a toll on your retirement budget.

To keep your travel expenses in check, start by evaluating how much you can realistically afford to spend each year. Then, look for ways to cut corners without sacrificing too much fun.

For example, consider camping or renting an RV instead of staying in hotels; driving instead of flying; or visiting during shoulder season when prices are lower.

Life insurance

When you’re young, it’s easy to believe that you’re invincible. But the truth is, anything can happen at any time – and if something happens to you, your loved ones will be the ones left to deal with the financial aftermath. That’s why life insurance is such an important part of retirement planning.

But why is life insurance so important? Because if something happens to you, your family will need to find a way to replace your income – and that’s not always easy.

There are a few different types of life policies, but term life insurance is usually the best option for retirees. It’s relatively affordable and gives your family the financial security they need in case something happens to you.

If you don’t have life insurance, now is the time to get it. And if you do have coverage, make sure it’s enough to meet your family’s needs.

No one likes to think about their own mortality, but it’s an important part of retirement planning – just in case.

Other expenses to consider include:

Home repairs and upkeep

You can use the 1% rule here, which recommends taking aside 1% of your home value for repairs. So, if you own a home worth $300,000, you can have about $3,000 at any one time for unforeseen repairs and maintenance.


Retirement can be a great time to finally pursue those hobbies and interests you never had time for before. But activities like golfing, painting, and attending concerts can be quite costly to maintain. Be sure to budget for these too!


Depending on your income and location, you may be responsible for paying taxes on your pension or Social Security benefits in retirement. Be sure to consult with a tax advisor to determine what tax liabilities you may face in retirement.


Planning for retirement is an important task, yet one that we often neglect. Focusing on long-term expenses such as insurance and taxes isn’t enough – there are a range of unexpected expenses you need to consider as well if you want to ensure you have sufficient funds for your golden years.

Being aware of these 5 unexpected expenses can help ensure that you enter into retirement with the finances and peace of mind needed to enjoy it fully. Best wishes!

PM Today Contributor
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