
5 Reasons To Seek Talent Abroad

There’s no denying that Britain has a vast pool of highly educated and qualified individuals. While some of those people work for firms in the UK, the rest forge their careers elsewhere in the world and even decide to live abroad permanently.

Part of the problem is down to Brexit; with Britain now out of “the club,” some individuals feel their career progression opportunities have become limited. If you’re seeking top talent for your business, looking for it beyond borders can make sense. Here’s why:

1. You’ve Got a Wider Talent Pool

The first reason to see talent from abroad, and undoubtedly the biggest one, is because your business will have access to a broader talent pool. There’s no getting away from the fact that you can hire one or more people from a pool of millions of potential candidates abroad.

What that also means for your company is you don’t have to “make do” with candidates that aren’t a perfect fit for your organisation. You can get the best people for each job vacancy and continue to grow your business.

2. It’s Often Cheaper to Hire Foreign Workers

You don’t want a workforce that gets paid a fraction of what they should be getting. However, you also don’t want to spend more money than you should employing people to work for you.

Did you know that hiring workers from abroad will be cheaper for your business, even when you pay them a fair wage? Plus, that can take into account other costs like sponsorship, helping with a UK ILR application to settle in Britain permanently, and so forth.

Hiring talent from abroad is more cost-effective for your business because you can choose highly qualified employees that don’t require further training and qualifications.

3. Foreign Candidates Are More Adaptable

One of the downsides to hiring someone within the UK is many people are seldom willing to relocate for their work. When you hire people from outside Britain, you’ll find they are generally more adaptable than potential candidates from the UK.

What that means for your business is they will likely respond better to a changing business landscape and be more flexible to work with new teams, for example.

4. Higher Levels of Commitment

It’s no secret that moving to a new country in search of work is a big decision for anyone to make, irrespective of whether or not they have any familial ties. As you can imagine, such people that make those decisions offer employers high levels of commitment.

It highlights that such individuals also have high levels of self-motivation and initiative and will always produce their best work to achieve long-term career and lifestyle satisfaction.

5. You’ll Create a More Diverse Workplace Culture

Last but not least, another reason to seek new employees from outside of the UK is you’ll end up fostering a more diverse workplace culture. When you create an inclusive workplace, you’ll significantly reduce issues like unconscious bias.

Employees will also feel like they can be themselves rather than someone they are not just to “fit in” with a company’s corporate culture and values.

PM Today Contributor
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