
4 Ways You Can Play To Your Strengths In Your Career


Whether you get advice from careers experts, spend hours meeting with recruiters, or get desperate and take a career quiz, it can feel like the perfect job is forever out of reach.

But, there has never been a better time for anyone to get a job, and your dream job might be easier to obtain than you think. Before doing this, though, you must play to your strengths to ensure you find a company and a career that suits you. 

Understand What You’re Best At 

The first thing you need to do when considering strengths is understanding what they are. From there, you can start mapping out your career and decide which industry or job you would prefer. People who are naturally adept at working with computers can consider a career in tech, but this has become such a broad term that you still might not find something suitable immediately. But, this will at least point you in the right direction to ensure you can find something that matches your qualities. 

Recognise Your Weaknesses

As important as your strengths are, so too are your weaknesses. Not only will understanding your weaknesses help you become more self-aware, but it will also enable you to consider different jobs that could prove more fruitful than expected. You may not have considered some careers in the past, but when you have considered your weaknesses and balanced them against your strengths, other positions may stand out much more and give you something to think about. From there, you can start to work on your weaknesses, especially if you are someone who loves a challenge in their professional life. 

Identify Careers That Suit You 

With your strengths and weaknesses understood, you should have no trouble identifying a career that suits you. Many people are surprised at what they can find, as they can discover career possibilities that they have not even considered before.

For instance, you might like the idea of being a digital graphic print expert and decide to work for a company like the XG Group. Hence, you can learn the skills and join them in your passion.

For some, they bring in something they are passionate about and use this as a guide for their next career move. Those who consider themselves excellent drivers and educators might think about pursuing driving instructor training, whereas any passionate writers who spend all their spare time reading become book reviewers. 

Show Skillset Flexibility

This is an example of matching strengths that would otherwise seem irrelevant to one another. Those who are most adept at using their strengths to their advantage have proven to have shown exceptional adaptability and flexibility within the workplace, which allows them to take on new challenges with ease.

This approach could even land you in a job you never expected, but your ability to adjust to the citation and make the most of the skills that you have learned elsewhere can make you successful in any role. So, don’t feel too restricted to a specific role or even industry. The best employees are those who can thrive anywhere. 


Understanding your strengths can be difficult, especially if you have just gotten on with it wherever you have worked. Still, if you take a moment to sit down and think about what you have achieved and why you achieved it, your strengths will become clear. 

PM Today Contributor
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