
4 Simple Ways To Make Your Home Office More Productive

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Once upon a time, the home office was something that only the lucky few who worked from home got to enjoy. We all know how much this has changed over the past 12 months, and it seems the remote working revolution has come earlier than anticipated.

But, working from home is not as easy as throwing yourself on your sofa, putting a movie on, and working through the day. You still need to be productive, so here’s how you can make your home office space the most productive around. 

Clear the Clutter and Organise Your Space 

A cluttered space equals a cluttered mind, so it’s exceptionally important to clear any clutter from your desk (and within your peripheral vision), so you can stay on task. Once you’ve gotten rid of everything but the essentials, such as your laptop, notebook, and cup of coffee (or tea), you can start organising the space.

Take advantage of order. Your screen should be eye level. Your notebook should be on the same side as your dominant hand. You should know where everything is, so you don’t waste time searching through drawers. 

Get Comfortable 

Many people using a home office for the first time will use any old chair and desk they have at home. This might be convenient, but it’s not right for productivity. The chairs you’re using are likely simple dining room chairs, and this means they are not suitable for sitting on all day long.

The design will impact your posture, which affects your focus, so invest in a Home Office Desk and Chairs to help you make the most of your new environment. If you need additional support, look for lumbar cushions to give your back the leverage it needs when you’re working all day long. 

Hide Distractions 

We don’t realise how many things distract us until we’re left trying to avoid distractions. The biggest culprits are our phones, TV and social media. But there are many more distractions that we don’t think of.

These other distractions include unwashed dishes and untidy bookcases, among others, and you will feel as if you can’t start working until you’ve fixed these problems. If this sounds familiar, hide these distractions if possible. 

Get the Work-Life Balance Right

Working from home is great for those used to driving an hour to and from work every day, but with your office so close to you (often just a few feet from your sofa), it can be challenging to switch off.

You should already know how important work-life balance is, and it’s essential to maintain this even when working from home. The most successful remote workers give themselves dedicated office hours, and very few work past 5 PM. If you feel you’re working too much, give yourself a set time to finish and stick to it, so you have the chance to recharge. 


It can take some time to get used to working from home. The days don’t feel as structured, and it’s easy to get distracted. Then, though, the day flies by, and you’re left rushing to complete your work which, generally, turns out sub-par. You can avoid all of this by developing a productive home office. 

PM Today Contributor
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