
10 Proven Ways To Inspire Your Employees To Do Their Best

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Although you may have hired excellent candidates for your company, you may not enjoy this investment if morale is low. This may not be enough to get the best out of them for the success and growth of your company. Inspired and motivated employees are more productive and deliver high-quality results. More importantly, a workplace that fosters high employee morale is likely to have improved employee retention rates. So, how can you inspire your employees to ensure they do their best at the workplace? Here are ten proven tips you can consider implementing at your business today.

  • Create a conducive workplace

Imagine spending long hours in a poorly lit office with uncomfortable furniture and malfunctioning devices. Such a work environment will make it difficult for employees to complete tasks, reducing productivity and, in turn, reducing overall morale. A workplace that is aesthetically appealing, spacious, well-lit and with modern and improved technological solutions will definitely motivate your employees and boost morale. Additionally, your workplace should consider the health of employees. For instance, consider hiring a company psychologist to address your employees’ mental health issues and prevent more issues from developing. An office gym can ensure employees reach their fitness goals or improve their physical health. 

A pleasant workspace increases employee happiness and decreases employee turnover. It also boosts innovation, productivity, efficiency, and profitability. Therefore, make the needed changes to your workplace to increase morale. 

  • Use of the right tools

You are only as good as the tools handed to you. A workplace with outdated machinery, technological devices and software can cause delays in tasks and lots of frustration! Not only would your employees be unhappy under such circumstances, but it also drastically reduces productivity and morale. Therefore it is vital to invest in the right tools for your company.

Before you do so, you should assess the workplace to determine the upgrades you need to make and the additions you should include. During such evaluations, consider options that would increase productivity and innovation. Such solutions would increase your employees’ productivity, making them happier and encouraging them to work productively.

  • Recognise and reward good work 

Recognition at the workplace goes a long way to inspire your employees to keep up the good work. There are several ways to show your employees that you acknowledge their efforts to deliver top-quality work. For example, cash-based rewards such as vouchers and bonuses. However, non-cash benefits such as extra vacation days, vouchers, a thank you note, or making them the employee of the month. Another effective method is simply congratulating the employee in front of his peers. You can also consider rewarding employees through career development opportunities, such as promotions. This would show your employees that your business recognises good work and rewards it accordingly. When other employees see this, they are inspired to work harder to enjoy these benefits. 

  • Provide channels for clear and effective communication

Communication plays a key role in ensuring business operations are conducted smoothly. With your employees, clear communication ensures that they fully understand their roles and the tasks assigned to them. Be sure that the communication between you and your employees is honest and respectful. Avoid being ambiguous to ensure clarity when giving instructions. When your employees are clear on their roles and tasks, they are motivated to produce excellent results. 

Additionally, create a space encouraging your employees to communicate their needs, ideas, and problems. This encourages trust, as your employees feel heard and improve inspiration, employee satisfaction, and employee retention.

  • Provide and receive feedback

Feedback is an essential component of effective communication. With your employees, it is advisable to provide constructive feedback. Constructive feedback highlights both the strengths and weaknesses of the employee. To effectively provide your employees with constructive feedback, it is vital to watch your tone, mannerisms, and language. The last thing you want is your employee to feel undermined or insulted by your feedback. Such feedback should focus on identifying their problem areas and advising them on ways to improve. When delivered appropriately, employees value constructive feedback. This is further confirmed by statistics indicating that companies that invest in employee feedback have a 14.9% lower turnover rate than those that do not. 

As you provide feedback, you should create the space to receive feedback from your employees. Your employees may have numerous ideas and suggestions that may aid in improving the company in one way or the other. Additionally, you and the management of your company should actively listen to the feedback provided. Doing this makes your employees feel valued in the company. Therefore, employing innovative ways to get your employees’ feedback effectively is vital. 

  • Give your employees purpose

Today, employees join a company for more than just competitive pay. They would prefer to be a part of a company that significantly impacts their lives and the community. Giving your employees a purpose is the drive that increases motivation and inspiration. You can do this by educating and constantly reminding them of the company’s mission and vision. It would be best if you also cultivated professional development goals for employees to endeavour to achieve. Some goals examples include improving creativity, networking, and improving work-life balance.

  • Create opportunities for professional growth

A major fear of all employees is staying in the same position and company for too long. Career stagnation usually occurs when employees become too complacent about their tasks. This may be due to burnout, demotivation, or the lack of a challenge. This is why your company should consider creating opportunities for professional growth. Such opportunities may include promotions and training sessions. These activities increase inspiration and motivation among employees. For instance, in offering training and educational programmes, you show your employees that you are invested in their development and ready to offer assistance. This, in turn, increases employee morale. 

Furthermore, it would help if you considered making such opportunities available for the best-performing employees. This motivates other employees to improve their output, increasing productivity and efficiency. Showing an interest in your employees’ development is vital to ensuring they feel valued, causing them to feel motivated and inspired. 

  • Improve culture

Although employees play differing roles in the business, they are still a part of one unit. This is where a positive business team culture is vital. A business’s culture is the norms, behaviours, and beliefs of its employees. This is further illustrated by the statistics from Deloitte, which indicated that 88% of employees believe that the culture of a business is vital. Company culture is also a factor that increases the motivation of employees. Naturally, humans want to be a part of something bigger than themselves. Your company culture should focus on staff and seek to explore teamwork. A clearly defined culture would communicate to employees what is expected of them. This, in turn, would increase rates of motivation as your employees feel valued and a part of the team.

  • Encourage teamwork

Teamwork is vital to the success of a company. There are several advantages to implementing effective teamwork practices in your company. These include enhanced problem-solving, an increase in innovation, and increased productivity and efficiency. It also increases morale amongst your employees. When working in a team, your employees have a sense of belongingness and individualism. The opportunity to mingle with each other welcomes respect and camaraderie that isn’t just noticed among the employees but is also reflected in tasks completed by the team. Additionally, it encourages employees to look at tasks from newer perspectives, increasing productivity and ensuring the submission of top-quality outputs. 

It also fosters trust and loyalty. Employees carry out tasks with the thought of the whole and not selfishly looking out for just themselves. Teamwork encourages belongingness, trust, individualism, and loyalty. These factors boost employee morale as they make employees feel more valued.

  • Provide a flexible work 

Over the years, the ability to modify their work hours and even location has become an important component employees look out for in a job. This is because flexible work has several benefits for employees. For instance, this arrangement helps employees keep a healthy work-life balance, reduces the need for additional time off, and enhances their physical and mental well-being. With these benefits in mind, it is clear that your employees would feel valued if you implemented a flexible work system. 


When implementing flexibility in your company, consider setting goals. This would help you in creating the right strategies. Therefore, you should conduct adequate research on existing policies by other businesses. You can also get more information from your employees regarding their expectations of flexible work policies.

As a business owner, you want the best for your business and its employees. A surefire way to gain the success you want for your business is to ensure your employees are motivated, happy, and inspired. The tips above are effective and proven ways of doing just that. However, don’t limit yourself to this lift. You can also find more creative ways you can increase your employees’ morale for your business’s success.

PM Today Contributor
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