
10 Practical Tips To Rationalize Your Portfolio In Times Of Uncertainty

project architect

Our current unprecedented times are also times of unprecedented uncertainty. Economic and market landscapes are almost unrecognizable compared to a few months ago, and these changes are likely to continue well into the future.

Now is the time to act fast, make the required strategy changes, and thoughtfully rationalize and rebalance your project and innovation portfolios.

What is portfolio rationalization?

Portfolio rationalization is a dynamic process by which you continuously right-size your project portfolio to reflect changing market and economic conditions, or changes in your organization’s strategic priorities.

First, you take stock, on one side, of the resources you’ve got (supply side) and on the other of all active projects with their updated resource requirements (demand side). Once you’ve got a comprehensive understanding of your current situation, you can compare the two (what you’ve got vs. what you need, today but also in the medium- and long-term), and assess your limits (or constraints).

Read the full post on the Planisware website today.

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